Uppsala Pride
Welcome here, welcome home, welcome out!
The 2024 edition of Uppsala Pride will be held on the 7th of September, with Pride House at Uppsala Konsert och Kongress and an after-party at Clarion Hotel.
Uppsala Pride is organized by a separate and mostly independent planning group within RFSL Uppsala. Contact us at pride@uppsala.rfsl.se if you want to know more.
Would you like to volunteer? Sign up on Volontärbyrån.
You can also find the festival on Instagram and Facebook:
official Instagram account
official Facebook page
Facebook event
Please note that a bag ban will be in effect at Pride House, during the parade and at the after party. Wardrobes will be available at UKK and Clarion for a small fee.
Do you or your organization want to get involved in Uppsala Pride 2024? Or are you perhaps a club owner, working with performance, art or other cultural activities? Then you’ve come to the right place! Welcome to another year filled with pride, glitz, glamor, lectures, panel discussions and much more. Uppsala Pride 2024 is scheduled on September 7th. We hope that together with us you want to create Uppsalas most important and most spectacular event.
Click here and fill out the form and we will get back to you.
Early Years
The 2008 – 2012 Festivals
The first Uppsala Pride was organized in 2008 by a local network with left-wing ideology. In 2012 the festival was dropped. RFSL Uppsala recognised 2016 the need for a new pride festival in Uppsala, creating a platform that was politically and religiously unobtrusive, and which would lift the voices of newly arrived LGBTQI people and promote integration into society.
The 2016 festival
The new start was a colossal success, with around 600 visitors attending the program of lectures, seminars, discussion groups and other activities spanning two days. The third day featured a Pride parade attended by close to a thousand people marching through central Uppsala, finishing with a picnic in the central park. The reception has been very positive, with both the municipality and city rallying behind the festival with grants and logistical help. There was also a large media presence, with reportage in local newspapers like UNT and Uppsalatidningen, national media such as SVT and Sveriges Radio, and even internationally in VICE magazine.
The 2017 festival
The year after drew even bigger crowds, with over 800 visitors. The parade had around 1000 persons attend. The concluding Pride Picnic in the city park was well attended, and featured live music by Uppsala Jungle, a bouncy castle, and food trucks. As usual the project ended with a festival evaluation, and the organisation committee started the preparations for the 2018 festival.
Photos from WelcomeOUT 2016, September 16-18: